Parent Blog by Susan Boyd
08/07/17 by Joey Dunivan
On My Way(Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties or the US Youth Soccer)Monday, October 03, 2016Susan BoydI love the ambiguity of this title. It could mean...
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Safety First in Youth Sports
01/22/17 by Monica Parnell
SAFETY FIRST IN YOUTH SPORTS At the Y, safety in youth sports is a top priority, and we do all we can to prevent injuries from occurring. Sports are modified and taught at age-appropriate levels, and constant
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Volunteer at the Y

Youth Development is the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical processes that all youth uniquely experience from birth to career. At the Y, we know that a successful development process fulfills children and teens� innate need to be loved, spiritually grounded, educated, competent and healthy.


Meet Carli: Our 2016 YMCA of South Palm Beach County Story
07/26/17 by Delonyx Cortez
Meet Carli, a success story at the YMCA of South Palm Beach County. This clip, which is part of our 2016 Inspiration Breakfast, showcases the work done by our Adaptive Swim Program. The programs at the YMCA not only provide kids with a fun...
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Safe Sports Act - Child Abuse Reporting
07/23/18 by John Bell
YMCA OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE YOUTH SPORTS VOLUNTEER CHILD ABUSE REPORTING PROCEDURES SUMMARY: A foundational commitment of the Y is to provide a healthy atmosphere for the growth and development of children. Thus, child abuse is a primary concern of...
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YMCA celebrates volunteer who has given 5,000 hours
08/08/17 by Amanda Walker
BY YVETTE C. HAMMETTThe first time Ayden Thomas was asked to speak to a small group at the Campo Family YMCA she was petrified.Seven years and more than 5,000 volunteer hours later, the 30-year-old has great confidence. And all those who she has...
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12/16/15 by Heather Garcia
  5 Keys to Being a Great Basketball Coach   Author   By Tony Fryer   Date: December 26, 2014   If you want your youth basketball team to have an
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